Wireless RERC Researcher Authors NCD Report on Emergency Communications

Date of Publication: 
2014 May

Dr. James White, Director of Communications Studies at Georgia Tech’s Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP) and Wireless RERC researcher, authored the recently published National Council on Disability (NCD) report: Effective Communication for People with Disabilities Before, During, and After Emergencies Evaluated. Officially released at their May 27th briefing, the report focuses on the accessibility of emergency communication for people with intellectual, sensory, psychiatric and developmental disabilities. Of note, Dr. White’s study outlined various barriers and best practices that would assist in providing effective communication for people with disabilities. “Examples of the communications challenges facing people with disabilities in emergency situations abound,” stated Dr. White. “People with disabilities can face challenges in physical mobility and receipt of critical, lifesaving information.”  The report itself pulled from research that the Wireless RERC has been conducting since 2004.



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