Wireless RERC Recommends Accessibility Concerns be Included in the NTIA CPS Supplement

Date of Publication: 
2013 May

05.31.2012 – The Wireless RERC filed comments with the Department of Commerce “In the Matter of Computer and Internet Use Supplement to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey” [FR Doc. 2012-8103]. The comments responded to a proposal by The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration to add twelve questions to the Current Population Survey (CPS) Computer and Internet Use Supplement.  The comments highlight that broadband availability, affordability and accessibility are directly important for people with disabilities.  Specifically, for many deaf and hard of hearing people, broadband applications encompassing text and video-based communications and data access are their most important broadband wireless device functions.  Therefore, the Wireless RERC proposed that additional demographic questions should be added to the CPS asking respondents to self-identify if they have a disability, allowing for the determination of specific trends amongst disability populations.  In addition, the comments proposed to include questions concerning if an individual utilizes assistive technology to access the Internet and its content, and if accessibility issues or the cost of assistive technology were concerns when purchasing broadband services or equipment.  [Source: WirelessRERC]

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