Wireless RERC Comments on Strategic Plan for Section 508

Date of Publication: 
2012 April

04.16.12 – The Wireless RERC submitted comments with the Office of Public Engagement concerning the strategic plan for implementation and management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 508 establishes standards in relation to various accessibility aspects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) including functional performance, technical requirements, hardware and audio output functionality, real time simultaneous conversation via audio, text, and video, and product support and services.  Comments by the Wireless RERC addressed various aspects of the plan and emphasized education of Section 508 compliance for employees.  Recommendations included educating agency procurement officers on how to assess the accessibility of equipment and software; incorporating Section 508 compliance within IT departments, offering professional development classes for installation and maintenance of assistive technology, as well as offering quarterly webinars on Section 508 compliance, and recruiting Alternative Media Specialists to ensure the accessibility of electronic information.  In order to increase transparency of government actions, the Wireless RERC recommended that all agencies place a link on their webpages informing users of the 508 complaint process as well as requiring the Department of Justice to make their Biennial Report on Federal Agency Section 508 compliance publicly available.


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