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Submitted by kgoughnour3 on August 16, 2017 - 2:59pm
August 16, 2017 - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau released a public notice this week as a reminder of the upcoming 2017 nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on September 27, 2017, at 2:20 P.M. EDT. The EAS test is used to assess the reliability of the national emergency communications system in the event of a disaster. The Public Notice [PS Docket No. 15-94] stated that the EAS test message should have a variety of audiovisual components, including an auditory attention signal, an audio announcement in English and Spanish, a text-crawl of the audio information, and an end of message marker. The test must also clearly state that it is only a test.
For more information on the EAS test and ensuring compliance, please see the Public Notice using the following link: https://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2017/db0814/DA-17-767A1.pdf