
2016 SUNspot (01) - Wireless Device Ownership by People with Disabilities

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The latest version (Version 5) was conducted in the second half of 2015 and first half of 2016.


This SUNspot addresses the following question related to ownership of...

Text-to-911 and NG911 Policy Study

Publication Type: 

November 2016 – The Wireless RERC published a research brief summarizing the results of a study of 9-1-1 policies at the state and local levels in relation to text-to-911 and next generation 9-1-1 (NG911) deployments in the United States. The brief is a high-level summary of state emergency communications offices and public-safety answering point (PSAP) policies regarding text-to-911 and/or NG911 as it relates to people with disabilities’ access to emergency services. The purpose of the study was to identify the extent to which content regarding individuals with disabilities was included in state and local text-to-911 and NG-911 policies.

Additional Information

Summary Report - Emergency Lifelines Workshop & Tabletop

The Emergency Lifelines Workshop & Tabletop Summary Report is available.  The workshop, held in Spring 2016 at the Georgia Institute of Technology, hosted forty-four (44) individuals with active leadership roles in emergency communications at the invitation-only event. The event engaged representatives from academic, local, state, and Federal agencies to better understand the needs of individuals with disabilities


Wireless RERC Summit Proceedings: Envisioning Inclusive FUTURES

The Envisioning Inclusive FUTURES Summit Proceedings have been published by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies (Wireless RERC) on our website. The Summit focused on 1) key social, economic, political and technological forces at play in the migration from legacy, analog technologies to mobile, digital technologies, and 2) the consequential futures for people with disabilities. The Proceedings concluded that a variety of technological...

Online Wireless Accessibility Resources Survey Results

In response to consumers with disabilities unsure about which wireless devices and services best fit their needs and abilities, the Wireless RERC developed “Your Guide to Choosing a Cell Phone” in 2004. 

Today, all of the major wireless manufacturers and service providers, as well as some third party resources, maintain websites offering accessibility information.  These websites are powerful tools for gathering and comparing information about available products and services...

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) / Emergency Alert System (EAS) Survey Comparison

This research brief presents the background and results of research activities which were conducted to examine the effectiveness of EAS and WEA to provide alerts to people with disabilities.  Specifically, the Wireless RERC conducted comparative analyses of the awareness of EAS and WEA messages, the accessibility of the two systems, as well as the types of protective actions taken as a result of the emergency messages.  The survey


2014 SUNspot (Number 03) - Ease of Use and Wireless Device Modifications by Adults with Disabilities

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The current version (Version 4) was launched in September 2012. Data collection was conducted through September 2013. The data reported here are preliminary results.  

This SUNspot focuses on any...

2014 SUNspot (Number 02) - Use of Mobile Apps by People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The current version (Version 4) was launched in September 2012. Data collection was conducted through September 2013. The data reported here are preliminary results. 

This SUNspot focuses on the use...

UPDATED 2017: 12 Considerations for Accessible Emergency Communications

March 2017 –  This document features twelve considerations for accessible emergency communications to help guide emergency communications planning for people with disabilities and those with access and functional needs. Also provided is a list of websites and resources with specific information concerning technology, policy, training and education.  ...


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The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RE5025-01-00). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.