User Experience and Expectation (R1)

2016 SUNspot (03) - Wireless Activities by Adults with Disabilities

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The latest version (Version 5) was conducted in the second half of 2015 and first half of 2016.


This SUNspot addresses the following question related to use of...

2016 SUNspot (02) - Wireless Device Operating Systems of People with Disabilities

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The latest version (Version 5) was conducted in the second half of 2015 and first half of 2016.


This SUNspot addresses the following question related to wireless...

2016 SUNspot (01) - Wireless Device Ownership by People with Disabilities

We created “SUNspot” to share some of the latest findings from ongoing data collection for our Survey of User Needs (SUN), our cornerstone survey on use and usability of wireless technology by people with disabilities.  We launched the first version of the SUN in 2001. The latest version (Version 5) was conducted in the second half of 2015 and first half of 2016.


This SUNspot addresses the following question related to ownership of...

Communities of participation: A comparison of disability and aging identified groups on Facebook and LinkedIn

Communication-oriented Internet technologies and activities such as social media sites and blogs, have become an important component of community and employment participation, not just in the specific function of activities, but as a link to larger communities of practice and professional connections. The occurrence of these activities, evident in their presence on FacebookLinkedIn and other online communities, represents an important opportunity...

Policy Development and Access to Wireless Technologies for People with Disabilities: Results of Policy Delphi Research

This paper discusses the relationship between policy research and policy change, and it provides examples of the policy research outcomes informed by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Mobile Wireless Technologies for People with Disabilities’ (Wireless RERC) policy research process. In 2005 and 2006, the center conducted empirical research, using the policy Delphi polling methodology, to probe key stakeholders’ opinions on the most significant issues surrounding...

Sympathetic Devices: Communication Technologies for Inclusion

Encouraging wellness at home is a necessary step in alleviating the burden of an increasing number of older adults on the health care system and can also provide a vehicle for promoting independence and quality of life among older adults. However, aging at home comes with its own challenges, one of which is depression caused by isolation, a serious condition related to healthy aging and outcomes affecting a large number of older adults. Addressing communication needs across housing options...

Mental scanning of sonifications reveals flexible encoding of nonspeech sounds and a universal per-item scanning cost

A mental scanning paradigm was used to examine the representation of nonspeech sounds in working memory. Participants encoded sonifications – nonspeech auditory representations of quantitative data – as either verbal lists, visuospatial images, or auditory images. The number of tones and overall frequency changes in the sonifications were also manipulated to allow for different hypothesized patterns of reaction times across encoding strategies. Mental scanning times revealed...

Spindex (speech index) improves auditory menu acceptance and navigation performance

Users interact with mobile devices through menus, which can include many items. Auditory menus have the potential to make those devices more accessible to a wide range of users. However, auditory menus are a relatively new concept, and there are few guidelines that describe how to design them. In this paper, we detail how visual menu concepts may be applied to auditory menus in order to help develop design guidelines. Specifically, we examine how to optimize the designs of a new contextual...

Happy Healthy Home. Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living - Technology for Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Well-being, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

The world's population is aging dramatically and in most countries the cost of care is rising rapidly. We need a system which helps to minimize the onset of chronic conditions which are costly to treat and diminish quality of life, rather than one primarily directed towards the care of the sick. Innovative use of new technologies may be the only way to provide care affordably in future and to scale that care to far greater numbers as our societies adapt to change. Ambient Assisted Living...

Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities: Guide and Checklist

Natural disasters and other public emergencies can leave people stranded for days, cause breaks in communication networks, and make streets and walkways impassable. What will you do to ensure your safety during those critical first days of an emergency in your community? Presented here are guidelines for preparing for emergency situations and a checklist for building an emergency kit.


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The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RE5025-01-00). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.