Training and Dissemination

Re:Wireless Newsletter - 2019/05/22

The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 05/22/2018 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or

Re:Wireless Newsletter - 2019/03/15


The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 03/15/2019 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or


Re:Wireless Newsletter - 12/31/2018

The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 12/31/2018 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or

You can also view the newsletter at this web address:

Re:Wireless Newsletter - 10/08/2018

The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 10/08/2018 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or

You can also view the newsletter at this web address:

Re:Wireless Newsletter - 2018/08/03

The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 08/03/2018 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or

You can also view the newsletter at this web address:

Re:Wireless Newsletter - 2018/04/05

The file below is a PDF of the Wireless RERC's 04/05/2018 Re:Wireless Newsletter for consumers.  If you have trouble accessing the file or need it in an alternate accessible format, please contact Ben Lippincott at 678-992-9309 or

You can also view the newsletter at this web address:  ...

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - May 2018

In May, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted several waivers related to emergency communications. In a Memorandum Opinion and Order [12-107], the FCC’s Media Bureau granted requests for waivers of the audible crawl rule, permanently exempting analog-only cable systems, and temporarily waiving requirements for television broadcasters to audibly describe visual, non-textual emergency information. The FCC also granted a limited waiver of the Emergency Alert System (EAS)...

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights - April 2018

In April, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Public Notice inviting stakeholder input to Refresh the Record on Facilitating Multimedia Content in Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) [PS Docket Nos. 15-91 and 15-94] was published in the Federal Register, setting the comment and reply comment deadlines as May 29, 2018, and June 11, 2018, respectively. Keeping a laser-like focus on emergency communications, the FCC also released their final report of the 2017 Nationwide Test of the...

Technology and Disability Highlights - March 2018

In March, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Public Notice seeking comment on a Joint Petition for Extension of Waiver of Accessible Emergency Information Requirements [12-107]. The American Council of the Blind, American Foundation for the Blind, and the National Association of Broadcasters filed the petition jointly requesting additional time (five years) to develop a technical solution that enables the automatic recognition, tagging, and describing of non-textual...

Technology and Disability Highlights - February 2018

In legislative news, the Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act of 2017 [H.R.2465] was passed in the House as part of the bill to temporarily increase the federal government’s budget. The legislation allows for those that purchased voice-generating devices, also referred to as Alternative and Augmentative Communications (AAC), to be reimbursed through Medicaid and Medicare. Originally passed in 2015, this new version would make the Steve Gleason Act of 2015 permanent. The much-debated ADA...


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The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RE5025-01-00). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.