Student Group Pushes for Faculty to take Compulsory Accessibility Classes

June 2020 – The student-led group, Trinity Ability Co_Op, at Trinity University, has launched an initiative that would require teaching faculty to take a mandatory accessibility class. The student group received support from the University's Disability Service and aims to ensure that teaching faculty are equipped with best practices for educating students with disabilities. Specifically, the group is pushing to ensure that teachers understand College-approved accommodations and encourage them to make tutorial notes and subtitles for online lectures available. For those teaching faculty who engage in dialogues and are proactive in their approach to disability accommodations, the group hopes to present an "Ally Award." Finally, Trinity Ability Co_Op seeks to introduce a process that the College must consult the disability advocacy group before passing policies. These "ability-approved policy" ensures that students with disabilities are at the forefront of the conversation as opposed to an afterthought. [Source: Cormac Watson via UniversityTimes]atson via UniversityTimes]

Additional Information

Date of Publication: 
Friday, July 31, 2020


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