Samsung’s Relúmĭno Glasses Help Users with Vision Impairments

January 2018 - At the 2018 Consumer Electronic Show (CES), Samsung’s Creative Lab demonstrated its Relúmĭno Glasses to help people with vision impairments see more clearly. Samsung estimates that approximately 86% of people globally with vision impairments are not totally blind, and as such can benefit from assistive technologies that improve vision. In conjunction with the Relúmĭno app unveiled at last year’s Mobile World Congress, the glasses make blurry images clearer by identifying the outlines of objects and making them more prominent. The glasses can also invert colors to help users see the color contrasts on their screen more easily. Samsung is hopeful that the small form factor of the glasses and its capabilities will help users with vision impairments access print more easily. Source: David Nield, New Atlas. 


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