PEAT Talks: The Future of Accessible Work

Event: Webinar

Date: May 18, 2017 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - EDT

“The Future of Accessible Work” is hosted by PEAT, Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology.  The webinar title was also the theme for the 14th International Web for All (W4A) 2017 Conference held in Perth, Western Australia.  Join W4A Conference Chair, Vivienne Conway, to hear the highlights and top trends emerging from the global conference, and celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD).

The Web For All web page states, “Creating an inclusive work environment could include developing new accessible technologies usable by people with and without disabilities; improving the way existing technologies are deployed; ensuring that staff embrace an inclusive culture in the workplace; and of course, understanding the needs of people with disabilities in the workforce. We can work towards implementing more functional Intranet and public-facing websites, and developing applications that are more inclusive and enable people with disabilities to participate more easily.”

Go to the following link to register for this webinar:

For more information about the Web For All Conference held in 2017 go to



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