American Association of People with Disabilities Celebrates Expansion of the 2018 Summer Internship Program

February 2018 - Since its inception in 2002, the AAPD Summer Internship Program has connected young people with disabilities with meaningful job opportunities. Funded by donors such as AT&T, Google and the Aid Association for the Blind of the District of Colombia College, the Summer Internship Program helps undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates with disabilities find significant jobs with non-profit organizations, Congressional and federal offices in Washington, D.C. For many of these students it is their first time engaging with the larger disability community in this way. In addition to a summer job, students are matched with a disability mentor to learn about disability history and leadership. AAPD provides financial and transportation support, and in 2018, AAPD is partnering with disability LINK, a center for independent living near Atlanta. Helena Berger, President and CEO of AAPD commented, “We are grateful to have this level of support from so many committed partners. Thanks to their generous support, we have more than tripled the size of the program since 2015 to welcome 27 students as part of our 2018 Summer Internship Program class.” [Source: AAPD Press Release]
For more information on AAPD’s Summer Internship Program and how to apply, please visit:


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