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Submitted by Mz22 on March 8, 2017 - 3:03pm

Young-Mi Choi, Wireless RERC project director and assistant professor in the School of Industrial Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), recently received the 2017 Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Class of 1940 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Award for her excellent instruction of College of Design’s ID 2022: ID Studio II class. Undergraduate students in this class focus on product development utilizing human-centered design. Students have an opportunity to engage in evidenced based research by examining multiple roles played by users, industrial designers, engineers, and marketers during the process of creating new products and assistive technologies. Primarily, Dr. Choi’s research focuses on people who use wheelchairs and users who are visually impaired. Dr. Choi has received other awards for research and teaching excellence including the 2016 National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program Women of Excellence Award, 2015 Outstanding Faculty Award, and the 2012 Georgia Tech Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Class of 1934 Teaching Effectiveness Award. To read more about this award and Dr. Choi’s research visit the following links.