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Date of Publication:
2013 February
The Wireless RERC submitted reply comments in response to the Federal Communications Commission's Further Notice of Purposed Rulemaking: Facilitating the Deployment of Text-to-911 and Other Next Generation 911 Applications [PS Docket No. 11-153] and Framework for Next Generation 911 Deployment [PS Docket No. 10-255]. The Wireless RERC agreed with assertions that the regulations on the availability of text-to-911 and bounce back error messages should apply to all mobile service providers. For the latter, the Wireless RERC supported the National Emergency Number Association's (NENA) recommendations for standardized language and further suggested that the bounce back message phrasing be vetted by people whose primary language is American Sign Language. Finally, the Wireless RERC maintained that, while education and outreach efforts should be a collaborative effort, the federal government, specifically the FCC's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, should play a primary role by developing a nationwide PSA on text-to-911 and ensuring the accessibility of outreach activities and materials.