Hands-free Bluetooth Mouse for Users with Mobility Impairments

 March 2018 – This month Shenzhen City-based company, GlassOuse Assistive Device, introduced version 1.2 of its GlassOuse hands-free Bluetooth mouse for users with mobility impairments. The device, which comes in the form of a headset, comes off the heels of a successful Indiegogo funding campaign for the initial prototype and features three input methods which the company refers to as Bite Switch, Puff Switch, and Finger Switch. The Bite Switch mechanism has been redesigned for improved durability and sensitivity. The Puff Switch utilizes a “G-Switch Series” puff mechanism, which allows users to use puffs of air as click inputs. The Finger Switch is a very sensitive moveable switch button that allows the user to select its placement and which part of their body will activate the switch. In addition, version 1.2 of the GlassOuse features 9-axis gyroscopic sensitivity, so users can tilt their head to control cursor movement with improved precision. 

GlassOuse Assistive Device believes their improvements represent a milestone in helping users with diverse needs access technology. For more information, visit their website: http://glassouse.com/

Source: Global Accessibility News.


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