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Submitted by dbright7@gatech.edu on November 12, 2018 - 11:20am
November 2018 - With the ever-increasing reliance on cellular service as a primary form of communication, wireless infrastructure resilience is integral to emergency response and recovery. As such, and in light of two years of devastating hurricane seasons, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently authorized a reexamination of the Wireless Resiliency Cooperative Framework. This framework was created by the wireless industry to ensure sustainable wireless communications during disasters. The Wireless Resiliency Cooperative Framework is composed of a five-pronged approach: (1) providing for reasonable roaming when technically feasible, (2) fostering mutual aid among wireless providers, (3) enhancing municipal preparedness and restoration by convening with local government public safety representatives to develop best practices and establishing a provider/911 call center contact database, (4) working to increase consumer readiness and preparation, and (5) improving public awareness and stakeholder communications on service and restoration status with county-by-county information. This comprehensive review seeks to determine how the participating wireless companies utilized the framework during disaster events, with a specific emphasis on honoring mutual aid agreements. The FCC also requested reports on best practices of implementation from these companies as well as a detailed list of the carriers’ collaborative agreements and any modifications made since 2016. Letters were sent to wireless providers detailing the specific information requested for the review. Responses are expected by November 26, 2018. [Source: FCC]
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Date of Publication:
Monday, November 12, 2018