Apple Announces Nucleus 7, the First Fully iPhone Compatible Cochlear Implant

Apple and Australian-based company Cochlear announced their first attempt to bring users with hearing loss a fully iPhone compatible cochlear implant. The device, named the Nucleus 7, features improved battery life and a smaller design compared to its predecessors, making it useable by children and adults. The Nucleus 7 pairs with the iPhone, IPad and iPod touch and can be controlled from the devices. No app download is required. Senior Manager for Global Accessibility Policy and Initiatives at Apple, Sarah Herrlinger, wrote, “we want everybody to use our technology and to say ‘wow my iPhone is the best piece of technology I’ve ever used before’…with every iteration of our operating system, our goal is to add in new accessibility features in order to expand the support that we can give to people all over the world.”

Cochlear CEO Chris Smith wrote, “the approval of the Nucleus 7 Sound Processor is a turning point for people with hearing loss, opening the door for them to make phone calls, listen to music in high-quality stereo sound, watch videos and have FaceTime calls streamed directly to their Cochlear implant. This new sound processor builds on our long-standing commitment to help more people with hearing loss connect with others and live a full life.” The device received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in June. Source: Sarah Buhr, Tech Crunch. 


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